Alien Mind - featuring Jim Morrison
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Here´s another Doors comic book, a science fiction story printed in 1991 by Rock Fantasy - Alien Mind - featuring Jim Morrison. There are no credits in the comic book.
In the forewords by "Michael" (maybe he´s the editor!) he explains the Rock Fantasy series:
"Rock has often taken the attributes of Science Fiction
or Fantasy to fire the imagination of it´s audience. We
thought it might be fun to turn the tables and combine
Rock´n Roll with Fantasy/ Science Fiction for the printed
page. So we´ve created an imaginary universe and peopled
it with characters in the guise of some of our favorite
rock stars."
Here is how the story begins (click to enlarge):
The ship travels through the galaxy to a faraway planet where they are going to make Jim perform to a huge alien crowd in a large stadium. They get there and Jim starts the concert with "People are Strange"! the control room where they are monitoring Jim´s mind the aliens see it´s going out of control! "There is too much psychic feedback! the system can´t handle..." and...BOOM! their mind control system explodes, Jim he regains conciousness and finally sees he is surrounded by aliens.
Jim makes his scape out of the stadium and jumps into a space ship landed nearby...well, I don´t want to take away the surprise in the end of the story...But I´ll tell you it doesn´t end there, they promess a another follow up comic book featuring Jim, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendryx titled "The great gig in the sky"!
I think you still can find this comic through Ebay:
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